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Friday, July 18, 2014

Bug Off!

We are going camping this weekend. Yes, we are taking our not quite 4 week old camping. If you never see a post from me again, assume we didn't survive!

As I was making my packing list this morning, I got a little new-mom-paranoid about having an infant around Mosquitos. And then I remembered that a long time ago I had purchased citronella and lemongrass essential oils in order to make some outdoor candles. And I remembered seeing a pin for "natural baby-safe bug spray" on Pinterest. So I looked up the recipe.

Most recipes call for a variety of essential oils but they pretty much all agree on 3 things: witch hazel, citronella, and lemon grass. 
My thought process went a little something like this: Bummer! The only witch hazel I had was in the form of tucks pads; guess I won't make my bug spray for Levi! I don't have an empty squirt bottle anyway! But wait! What about bug repellent wipes? That's a thing right?

And so the invention of baby safe bug repellent wipes was created! I'm sure someone else has already thought of doing this, but I'm still pretty proud of my ingenuity.

So here is what I did:

Baby Safe Natural Bug Repellent Wipes
Tucks Pads (however many you'd like)
Citronella oil
Lemongrass oil

Now this is all you need, but you can add other oils if you'd like.  I happened to have lavendar (which is supposed to repel flies) and tea tree oil (which is super stinky but supposed to repel ticks), so I added them in as well! 

The recipe I read said 10-25 drops essential oil to 2 tbsp witch hazel. Since I was using witch hazel pads I really just eyeballed it and kept adding until the pads looked saturated. Since I only had a few pads left I just mixed them in their container and stored them there, but you can always pull out a more controlled amount and store them in a separate container.

So now I just have to test them out this weekend! 

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