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Monday, June 9, 2014

Attitude Adjustment- God is Good

I have been quite whiny and negative lately- my body hurts, and I am tired and uncomfortable and hormonal and emotional. My attitude and my perspective have been poor.  Today God reminded me through a blog post that a year ago, I was fatigued and nauseous and in a lot of pain and at the same time trying to be content with the possibility that I might never be pregnant and the possibility that I might always be sick and fatigued and in pain because having babies and good health are no guarantee on Earth.  Thinking back, I can't believe how sick I was, and for seemingly no purpose, and I remember looking at all of the pregnant women around me and having little sympathy on their pregnancy woes because I would have given anything to be morning sick or ready-to-pop-uncomfortable instead of being sick and being not pregnant.  And here I am about to have a baby!  I haven't stopped and really thanked God for that lately, but it really is a miracle.  I mean new life and pregnancy are a miracle for the healthiest of women, but I remember thinking back in September when I was about as sick as I'd ever been, that the thought of having life inside of me felt impossible because my body seriously felt like death.  So the lack of sleep, and the achy back and ribs and hips, and the nausea and discomfort are a true blessing, and whether he is here in a few days or 5 weeks (Oy! I hope it's not that long), I am thankful that my pain and my sickness are for such a noble and miraculous purpose right now, and I cannot wait to meet that purpose!

Psalm 16:6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

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